Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Glaukoma 5 - Glaucoma - 青光眼

Glaukoma 5 - Glaucoma - 青光眼


1. Overview and Causes
2. Symptoms
3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation
4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM
  a. Liver energy stasis raises to fire disorder
  b. Yin material weakness and Yang functions..
  c. Sputum with fire up to trouble eye
  d. Liver and Kidney both lower material level
5. Healing by Other Therapies
Qigong and other
Medicated diet
Life style
6. Psychological Adaptation

1. Overview and Causes

Glaucoma is a condition which results in loss of vision due to high pressure in the eye, although there is no asscociated disease in the eye.The pressure in the eye is called IOP (Intraoccular pressure). There are several types of glaucoma which occur at differeing rates but all are characterised by high IOP, which damages the nerve fibres and the Optic Nerve. If untreated, glaucoma leads to gradual peripheral vision loss and, ultimately, blindness. The different types of glaucoma are: chronic open-angle (primary), acute angle-closure, low tension (normal IOP that is too high for a particular person), congenital (inherited), and secondary to other causes. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness in the United States. About 2.5 million Americans are afflicted with the disease, but only 1 million know that they have it. Its incidence is highest among blacks, and it is the single most common cause of blindness in that group. Early treatment helps in retarding vision loss.
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2. Symptoms

(a) In the beginning there may be no special symptoms but the vision may be unclear.
(b) In Chronic glaucoma, there are not many symptoms and the main problem is the visual field loss but in Acute glaucoma, the patient has severe pain and redness in the eyes, severe headache, marked dimness of vision,photophobia (sensitivity to light) and lacrimation (increased tear production). A patient with this kind of glaucoma usually presents in the emergency.
(c) Along with the above mentioned symptoms, the patient has severe nausea and may vomit profusely.

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3. TCM Effectiveness and Evaluation

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers this kind of disease, a problem with the wind,sputum fire and the blood in the body. Patients with glaucoma suffer from the lack of proper functioning of the liver. The TCM treatment is very effective when using herbal medicine and acupuncture together. TCM considers this kind of disease to occur more in people who have head wind problems, higher sputum fire and low blood level in the body. These patients also show over emotional character due to the defect in the liver function. The TCM treatment is very effective, using herbal medication and Acupuncture together and controls the Liver fire immediately and leads the Qi through the disorder area. Clinically, it is effective is promoting vision, reducing the swolleing in the eyes and relieving higher eye pressure syndrome. At a later phase of the disease western medicine and TCM work together, producing better results.

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4. Common Syndromes and Treatments in TCM

This ailment, according to TCM, has different syndromes. The treatment for these syndromes using herbal medicine and acupuncture is shown below.

Syndrome (a)
Liver energy stasis raises to fire disorder Due to the Liver stasis, more fire goes up to the eye, patient has fever, he suffers from headaches and is down in spirits, tongue is red and the pulse is string-like.

To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Dredging the fire and removing heat stasis to alleviate the stasis.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for dissipating Qi and blood stasis channel up to eyes. Radix Gentianae (秦艽), Anemarrhena (知母), Platycodon Root (桔梗), Ledebouriella root (防风), Notopterygium root (薑活), Rhubarb (大黃), Mirabilite (芒硝) at each 10g; Scutellaria (黃芩) and Uncaria (鉤藤; 钩藤) at each 12g; Plantain Seed (车前子) and Scrophularia (玄参) at each 15g; Haliotis (石決明) 30g.

Simple Prescription: Ming-Mu Shang-Qing Wan (明目地黃丸
) twice a day.

Ming-Mu Shang-Qing Wan (明目地黃丸)
熟地黃焙乾120克(4兩)  生地黃酒洗60克(2兩)  山藥60克(2兩)  澤瀉60克(2兩)  山茱萸去核酒洗60克(2兩)  牡丹皮酒洗60克(2兩)  柴胡60克(2兩)  茯神乳蒸晒乾60克(2兩)  當歸酒洗60克(2兩)  五味子烘乾60克(2兩)


Ming-Mu Shang-Qing Wan (明目地黃丸)
熟地黄160g 山茱萸 (制)80g 牡丹皮60g 山药 80g 茯苓 60g 泽泻 60g 枸杞子60g 菊花 60g 当归 60g 白芍 60g 蒺藜 60g 石决明 (煅)80g

To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Regulating the Circulation of Qi, discharging fire, resolving blood stasis and relieving swelling by using points mainly from Extra meridian point and the Urine Bladder meridian of Food Tai-Yang and the Liver meridian of Food Jue-Yin.

Prescription: Ge-Shu (UB17), Gan-Shu (UB18), Yuyao (Extra3), Taiyang (Extra2), Xingjian (Li2). Acupuncture 10-20 minutes or with Cold Moxibustion at each point 1-2 minutes.

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Syndrome (b)
Yin material weakness and Yang function raises

Due to the Yin material of organ, Yang syndrome is raised up, and clinically patient has headaches, his eyes feel tired, he has bad breath, dry mouth and sleep difficulty; tongue is red with yellow and greasy fur, and pulse is fast.
To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Cleaning the fire and expelling eye stasis to arrest wind in liver meridian.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for removing blood stagnation in the head area. Anemarrhena (知母), Phellodendron (黃柏), Red peony peel (赤芍), Achyranthes (懷牛膝; 怀牛膝) and Chrysanthemum (菊花) at each 10g; Uncaria (鉤藤; 钩藤) 12g; Tuckahoe (茯苓), Alisma (澤瀉; 泽泻) and White Peony Root (白芍) at each 15g; Crude Oyster shell (牡蛎), Rehmannia root (熟地黄) and Haliotis (石決明) at each 30g.

Simple Prescription: Zhi-Bai Di-Huang Wan one time a pill, twice a day. 

Zhi-Bai Di-Huang Wan (知柏地黄丸)
知母 Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 40g 黄柏 Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis 40g 熟地黄 Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 160g 山茱萸 (制) Fructus Corni Officinalis 80g 牡丹皮 Cortex Moutan Radicis 60g 山药 Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae 80g 茯苓 Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 60g 泽泻 Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis 60g

To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Regulating the Circulation of Qi, discharging heat, resolving blood stasis and relieving pain by using points mainly from Food Yang-Min Stomach meridian point and the Hand Yang-Ming Lung meridian points and Food Tai-Yang Spleen meridian points and Urine Bladder meridian of the Food Tai-Yang points.

Prescription: Shen-Shu (UB23), Chengqi (ST1), Sibai (ST2), Hegu (LI4) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) 15-30 minutes Acupuncture and 2-5 minutes Cold Moxibustion.

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Syndrome (c)
Sputum with fire up to trouble eye

Due to the sputum fire raising up to the head and eye, the patient has headaches, eye pain, dry mouth, decreased appetite, a swollen tongue with yellow and greasy fur and a string pulse.
To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Cleaning the fire and expelling sputum to arrest pain.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for removing blood stagnation in the head area. Hydrastis canadensis (白毛茛) 8g; Pinellia ternata (半夏) and Uncaria (鉤藤; 钩藤) at each 12g; Tangerine peel (陈皮) 6g; Prunella (夏枯草) and Tuckahoe (茯苓) 15g; Cotoneaster shell [Radix Contoneastri Coriacei (野苦梨根)], Bamboo bud (竹筍) and Batryticated silkworm (僵蠶; 僵蚕) at each 10g; Liquorice (甘草) 3g.

Simple Prescription: Qu Feng Ding Tong Tang (Dispel Wind Relieve Pain Decoction) one time a bowl, twice a day.

To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Regulating the Circulation of Qi, discharging sputum fire, resolving blood stasis and relieving swelling by using points mainly from Food Yang-Min Stomach meridian point and the Hand Yang-Ming Lung meridian points and Food Tai-Yin Spleen meridian points and Food Tai-Yang meridian of Urine Bladder points.

Prescription: Ge-Shu (UB17), Chengqi (ST1), Sibai (ST2), Hegu (LI4) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) 15-30 minutes Acupuncture and 2-5 minutes cold Moxibustion.

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Syndrome (d)
Liver and Kidney both lower material level

Due to the Liver and Kidney energy lowered, weakness occurs, the patient is down in spirit, has bad vision, headaches, low back ache, tinnitus (ringing in ears), problems with sleep, and the tongue is white with less greasy fur, and the pulse is mild.
To treat by Herbal medicine
Therapeutic principle: Restoring the fundamental energy of Liver and Kidney and making the body strong.

Prescription/Formula: Modified decoction for restoring Qi and blood weakness through in the head area. Lycium Fruit (枸杞子), Chrysanthemum (菊花), Red peony peel (赤芍), Alisma (澤瀉; 泽泻), Angelica (當歸; 当归), Cuscuta (菟丝子) at each 10g; Tuckahoe (茯苓) and Dioscorea (山藥; 山药) at each 15g; and Chuanxiong rhizome (川芎) at each 6g; White Peony Root (白芍) 12g; Salvia (丹參) 15g; Rehmannia cocked (熟地黄) 30g.

Simple Prescription: Shi-Hu Ye-Guang Wan one time a pill, twice a day.

Shi Hu Ye Guang Wan (石斛夜光丸)
Chinese Pin Yin Common Name Latin Name mg
Sheng Di Huang Fresh Rehmannia Root Radix Rehmanniae  180
Shu Di Huang Prepared Rehmannia Root Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 150
Jue Ming Zi Cassia Seed Semen Sennae 150
Tian Men Dong
Asparagus Root
Radix Asparagi
Gou Qi Zi
Wolfberry Fruit, Lycium Fruit
Fructus Lycii 
Shan Yao Dioscorea, Chinese Yam Rhizoma Dioscoreae  130
Fu Ling Poria, Tuckahoe, Indian Bread, Sclerotium Poria Cocos 130
Bai Ji Li Tribulus Fruit, Puncturevine Caltrap fruit Fructus Tribuli 120
Ju Hua Chrysanthemum Flower Flos Chrysanthemi  100
Other Ingredients: Corn Starch

Shihu Yeguang Wan (Chinese: 石斛夜光丸) is a brownish-black pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "replenish yin of the kidney, quench liver-fire and improve eyesight". [1] It tastes sweet and slightly bitter. It is used where there is "deficiency of yin of the liver and the kidney with rousing of fire causing cataract with impaired vision". [2]

Name↓ Chinese (S)↓ Grams↓
Herba Dendrobii 石斛 30
Radix Ginseng 人参 120
Rhizoma Dioscoreae 山药 45
Poria 茯苓 120
Radix Glycyrrhizae 甘草 30
Herba Cistanches 肉苁蓉 30
Fructus Lycii 枸杞子 45
Semen Cuscutae 大豆菟丝子 45
Radix Rehmanniae 生地黄 60
Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 熟地黄 60
Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis seu Fructus Schisandrae Sphenantherae 五味子 30
Radix Asparagi 天冬 120
Radix Ophiopogonis 麦冬 60
Semen Armeniacae Amarum 苦杏仁 45
Radix Saposhnikoviae 防风 30
Rhizoma Chuanxiong 川芎 30
Fructus Aurantii (stir-baked) 枳壳 (炒) 30
Rhizoma Coptidis 黄连 30
Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 牛膝 45
Flos Chrysanthemi 菊花 45
Fructus Tribuli (stir-baked with salt) 蒺藜 (盐炙) 30
Semen Celosiae 青葙子 30
Semen Cassiae 决明子 45
Pulvis Cornus Bubali Concentratus 水牛角浓缩粉 60
Cornu Saigae Tataricae 羚羊角 30

To treat by Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Therapeutic principle: Regulating the Circulation of Qi and blood, restoring Yin material, resolving blood stasis and relieving pain in eye. By using points mainly from Urine Bladder meridian of the Food Tai-Yang points and Food Yang-Min Stomachs meridian points and the Hand Yang-Ming Lung meridian points and Food Tai-Yin Spleen meridian points.

Prescription: Ge-Shu (UB17), Gan-Shu (UB18), Shen-Shu (UB23), Chengqi (ST1), Sibai (ST2), Hegu (LI4) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) 15-30 minutes Acupuncture and 2-5 minutes Cold Moxibustion.

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5. Healing by Other Therapies
(a) Qigong and other therapies
1. Qigong: Qigong exercise is quite effective for this disease. The Liver and Kidney meridian could get good restoration and as a result, emotions can be adjusted. Method: self setting exercise 10-30 minutes, relax and lead the Qi through the liver and kidney area down to the foot, then relieve the bad energy out of the foot, and before finishing, use hand and self massage from head to abdomen and low back.

For effect of Qigong on the Nervous System, click here.
Generally speaking, Qigong is good for healing effect of this specific ailment, however individual results may vary. It improves the flow of the qi and the circulation of the blood, so you'll experience more energy, but, you won't see/ feel any immediate effects, as with many exercises and therapies, it takes a few weeks or even months of practice before you'll see any significant improvements.
The following types of Qigong may help:
For the information of different types of Qigong ,just click a link above.
This information is for education purpose only. We strongly advise you seek a licensed Qigong master to learn the correct ways to conduct these exercises before attempting them.

2. Ear Acupuncture: soft ear puncture for Liver, Shen-Men, Kidney sympathetic and eye of Ear points, with both side and light stimulation.
3. Cold moxibustion: Both side of Tai-Yang (Extra2), Feng-Chi (GB20), Yin-Tang (Extra1) and Yu-Yao (Extra3); for higher Liver fire moxa to Guang-Ming (GB37) and Tai-Chong (Li3) area; for higher heart fire moxa to Nei-Guan (P6); for Kidney weak moxa to Shen-Shu (UB23).
(b) Medicated diet
1. Yang-Gan Ming-Mu Tang: Medlar 30g, White Caltrop 12g, Privet Fruit 12g, Plantain Seed 15g and White mum 10g together to make into powder form and mix them together. Each time using that 15g with take pig Liver 90g (or sheep or chicken Liver) makes soup to eat.
2. Qi-Shi Conjee: Medlar 10g, Euryale, 15g and rice 50g make conjee to eat.
3. Huai-Shan Gou-Qi dun big brain: Pig brain one set
4. Dioscorea (山藥; 山药) 30g and Medlar 10g put in water 1L make to soup.

(c) Life style

1. Diet: Avoid peppery or chemical food and stop smoking and drinking. If possible, regularly take the necessary Vitamins and Nutrition.
2. Note in Life: Learn to control emotions, and do not get angry very quickly.
3. Life habit: Keep the eyes clean at all times and get the IOP checked regularly with the western medicine method.

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6. Psychological Adaptation to a Chronic and Severe Illness
One encounters different health problems in the course of one's life. Some problems are acute yet minor and often improve by themselves or yield to simple self-management. Severe and acute conditions often necessitate the help of health professionals who may provide fast relief with specific interventions. However, when the condition is chronic, the management required is quite different.
Please click the following button to learn "Psychological Adaptation to a Chronic and Severe Illness".

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Acknowledgments: greatly acknowledges the support and dedication of our
Healing Centre Panel, without whom this section would not be possible.
We also greatly acknowedge Ms. Najaf Munir, MBBS, for her editorial support. Ms. Munir simplified the highly technical medical documents into easy-to-read documents, for the enjoyment and education of our numerous visitors.


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