Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Panacea 2 - Πανάκεια

Panacea 2 -  Πανάκεια


 Panacea (center) administering medicine to a baby
(Picture of the Veronese physician J. Gazola as part of a larger woodcut, 1716)

In Greek mythology, Panacea (Greek Πανάκεια, Panakeia) was a goddess of healing. She was the daughter of Asclepius and Epione. Panacea and her five sisters each performed a facet of Apollo's art: Panacea was the goddess of cures, Iaso was the goddess of recuperation, Hygieia was the goddess of disease prevention, Aceso was the goddess of recovery, and Aglaea was the goddess of natural beauty.

Panacea also had four brothers – Podaleirus, one of the two kings of Tricca, who had a flair for diagnostics, and Machaon, the other king of Tricca, who was a master surgeon (these two took part in the Trojan War until Machaon was killed by Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons); Telesphoros, who devoted his life to serving Asclepius; and Aratus, her stepbrother, who was a Greek hero and the patron/liberator of Sicyon.

Panacea was said to have a poultice or potion with which she healed the sick. This brought about the concept of the panacea in medicine, a substance meant to cure all diseases. The term is also used figuratively as something intended to completely solve a large, multi-faceted problem.

A river in Thrace/Moesia was named after the goddess, and is still known as the river Panega (from Greek panakeia).

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Panacea (medicine)

The panacea (play /pænəˈsə/), named after the Greek goddess of healing, Panacea, also known as panchrest, was supposed to be a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. It was sought by the alchemists as a connection to the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone, a mythical substance which would enable the transmutation of common metals into gold.

The Cahuilla Indian people of the Colorado Desert region of California, according to legend, used the red sap of the Elephant Tree as a panacea medicine.

A panacea is also a literary term to represent any solution to solve all problems related to a particular issue.

See also


Panacea universal

Panacea (IPA [pænəˈsiə]), kata ini berasal dari nama dewi penyembuhan Yunani, Panacea, adalah ramuan/obat yang diharapkan mampu mengobati segala jenis penyakit dan membuat panjang umur. Panacea dicari oleh para alkimiawan berkaitan dengan pencarian "ramuan/minuman kehidupan" serta "batu filsuf", sebuah zat mitos yang mampu mentransmutasi logam biasa menjadi emas.

Ilmu pengetahuan medis, dalam beberapa pengertian, melanjutkan pencarian obat semacam "panacea" dan "minuman kehidupan". Fokusnya pada saat ini mungkin pada sistem kekebalan tubuh dalam hubungan dengan peranan gen serta saling keterkaitan antara sifat yang diturunkan dengan faktor lingkungan - akan tetapi keinginan untuk "menyembuhkan segala penyakit", untuk "memperlambat proses penuaan" dan untuk meningkatkan "kualitas hidup" masih tetap menjadi motivasi kuat. Bidang ilmu pengetahuan yang meneliti tujuan pencarian pertama dan kedua dalam alkimia ini (panacea serta minuman kehidupan) melintasi beberapa disiplin serta sub-disiplin ilmu di samping ilmu kimia, misalnya: biologi molekuler, biokimia, biofisika, genetika dan ilmu kekebalan tubuh (imunologi).


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